Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications
1 and 2, 2011
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA
Registration Now Open
26/05/11 17:20
Conference registration for IPTComm 2011 is now open. Early registration ends July 8 and we have a limited number of reserved hotel rooms for the conference so don’t delay registering. The technical program will be finalized soon but take a look at the list of keynote speakers and invited speakers we have lined up. We also have two great social events planned. Don’t miss out on a great conference this year!
Deadline for Demos and Industrial Talks Extended
09/05/11 19:09
The deadline for demos and industrial talks has been extended to Sunday May 22.
Call for Papers Extended Deadline Approaching
22/04/11 09:35
Just a reminder that the extended deadline for technical paper submissions is fast approaching: Wednesday, April 27. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Also the deadline for Demonstrations and Technical Talks proposals is May 8, 2011. And be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed or check back at our website soon as we will be announcing our keynote speakers and more program details soon.
Call for Demos and Industrial Talks
25/03/11 13:00
The IPTComm Call for Demos and Industrial Talks is now available here. IPTComm 2011 includes special sessions focused on demonstrations and industrial innovations. The Industrial Talks session highlights innovative solutions and their impact and benefits for the community. The Demos session features working systems with a demonstrable impact on products in the short-medium term as well as prototypes with long-term research visions. The deadline for proposals is May 8, 2011. See the Call for Demos and Industrial Talks for details.
Deadline Extension for Paper Submissions
11/03/11 17:56
The deadline for technical paper submissions has been extended one week to Midnight March 21, 2011. See the Call for Papers for additional information regarding technical paper submissions.
Technical Program Committee Announced
01/02/11 11:42
The IPTComm 2011 Technical Program Committee membership has been announced in an updated version of the conference Call for Papers.
Call for Papers Available
21/01/11 10:03
The IPTComm Call for Papers is now available here. We are accepting both short (5-6 page) and long (up to 12 page) technical paper submissions. The deadline for paper submissions is March 14, 2011. See the Call for Papers for details.
Save the Date!
03/01/11 16:00
IPTComm 2011 will take place August 1 and 2, 2011, at the Illinois Institute
of Technology, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The deadline for paper submission
is March 14, 2011. The deadline for submitting proposals for Demonstrations
and Industrial Talks is May 16, 2011.
of Technology, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The deadline for paper submission
is March 14, 2011. The deadline for submitting proposals for Demonstrations
and Industrial Talks is May 16, 2011.