Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications
1 and 2, 2011
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA
IPTComm is an international conference now in its 5th year. The aim of IPTComm is to serve as a platform for researchers from academia, research labs, industry and government to share their ideas, views, results and experiences in the field of IP-based telecommunication. IPTComm will include presentations of theoretical and experimental achievements, innovative systems, prototyping efforts, case studies, and advancements in technology.
Conference Co-Chairs
Carol Davids - Illinois Institute of Technology - chairs@iptcomm.orgJoerg Ott - Helsinki University of Technology -
TPC Co-chairs
Zoran Despotovic - DOCOMO Euro-Labs - tpc@iptcomm.orgVolker Hilt - Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent -
Industrial Talks and Demos Committee
Eric Burger – Georgetown University - industry_talks_demos@iptcomm.orgGonzalo Camarillo – LM Ericsson -
Steering Committee
Gregory Bond - AT&T ResearchDorgham Sisalem - Tekelec
Saverio Niccolini - NEC Laboratories Europe
Radu State - University of Luxembourg
Henning Schulzrinne - Columbia University
TPC Members
David Bryan - Cogent Force, LLCJohn Buford - Avaya Labs Research
Gonzalo Camarillo - Ericsson
Eric Chen - NTT Corporation
Eric Cheung - AT&T Labs - Research
Carol Davids - Illinois Institute of Technology
Zoran Despotovic - DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe
Ali Fessi - Technische Universität München
Rosario Garroppo - University of Pisa
Aniruddha Gokhale - Vanderbilt University
Carmen Guerrero - University Carlos III of Madrid
Vijay Gurbani - Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent
Volker Hilt - Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent
Christian Hoene - Universität Tübingen
Alan Jeffrey - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Pramod Koppol - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Salvatore Loreto - Ericsson
Jouni Mäenpää - Ericsson
Elie Najm - ENST
Saverio Niccolini NEC Europe Ltd.
Joerg Ott - Aalto University
Victor Pascual - Acme Packet
Joachim Posegga - Inst. of IT Security and Security Law
Anand Prasad - NEC Corporation
Ivica Rimac - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Ronaldo Salles - Military Institute of Engineering
Stefano Salsano - University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Henning Schulzrinne - Columbia University
Jan Seedorf - NEC Europe Ltd.
Kundan Singh - 6Connex Inc
Jose Soler - Technical University of Denmark
Ivan Vidal - University Carlos III of Madrid
Xiaotao Wu - Avaya Labs Research
Zhenyu Yang - Florida International University
Pamela Zave - AT&T Laboratories