Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications

October 15-17, 2013
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA


Call for Papers

A decade ago, IP telecommunications research was concerned with IP-based protocols like H.323, SIP, and RTP and their interoperation and integration with traditional voice-based telephony. Today, voice constitutes just one of a growing suite of real-time data streams exchanged between people and their devices. The new research challenges include supporting services utilizing real-time sensor data and device actuation, traditionally the domain of machine-to-machine communications (M2M), with real-time video and audio (traditionally the domain of IP telecommunications), all shared and coordinated by multiple mobile users.

IPTComm is a research conference, now in its sixth year, devoted to IP telecommunications. Since the conference was conceived, the technological landscape has evolved quickly. For example, new web-enabled technologies like WebRTC, cloud-based real-time media processing, and the integration of real-time communications with traditional M2M systems, have not only broadened the scope of IP telecommunications research, but have also resulted in a diversity of research problems that, in many cases, are closely related. The goal of IPTComm is to bring together researchers working in the many sub-domains that today constitute IP telecommunications in order to share problems and results and, ultimately, provide a solid foundation to support the future progress of IP telecommunications. In further support of this goal, this year IPTComm will be co-located with the IIT RTC Conference at IIT's Chicago campus, bringing researchers, standards developers and industrial players together. In addition to IPTComm's research paper track, the IIT RTC Conference includes tracks whose scope includes standards, technology, governmental policy, and business.

The IPTComm conference scope includes voice and video over IP, Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Internet of Things (IoT), enabling protocols like SIP and WebRTC, mobility, scaling, security, cloud, applications, emerging standards, system analysis, reliability, and architectures. We invite paper submissions addressing theoretical and experimental achievements, innovative systems, prototyping efforts, case studies, and advancements in technology.

The list of topics for IPTComm includes but is not limited to:

New services and service models

  • Over-the-top service models.
  • Isochronous, real-time M2M and IoT.
  • M2M/IoT, telecommunications integration.
  • Social networking and IP communications.
  • Compositional services and model checking.
  • Cloud-based IP communication infrastructures.
  • Virtualization of IP communication services.
  • Rapid application development frameworks.
  • APIs and enablers for IP communication services.
  • Browser-based IP communication services.
  • Context-aware communication services.
  • Peer-to-peer IP communication systems.
  • Telepresence and immersive services.
  • IMS and NGN services.

Management and Resilience

  • Protocol, API, and software analysis.
  • Management of IP communications systems and networks.
  • Overload and failure management schemes for IP communications.
  • Log files and log file analysis for IP communication systems.
  • Scalability of large-scale IP communication systems.
  • Traffic and QoS measurement of VoIP traffic.
  • Self-tuning and self-monitoring IP communications systems.
  • Service discovery.
  • Energy consumption and energy management in IP communication systems.
  • Incentives in P2P IP communication systems.
  • Resilience in P2P IP communication system.


  • Identity management for IP communications systems.
  • Anonymity and privacy in IP communications.
  • Forensics and diagnostics in IP communication systems.
  • Techniques to detect, mitigate and prevent SPIT, phreaking and vishing.
  • Denial of service detection and prevention.

Mobile IP Communications

  • Mobile IP communication services.
  • Mobility in cloud-based IP communications infrastructure.
  • Mobile P2P IP communication systems.


  • Open source development in IP communications.
  • Research issues in vertical IP communication markets (e.g., privacy in the medical field, location in logistical field, etc.)
  • Regulatory issues in IP communications.


Paper submissions must describe original research, not published nor currently under review for another conference or journal. The program committee will referee all papers, and, as in previous years, accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of each paper must be registered and present their paper at the conference.


Papers submission is handled by EDAS.
Paper submissions should be 6-8 pages in length with 10 point font using the two-column ACM conference format.


EXTENDED Paper submission deadline: July 1, 2013.
Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2013.
EXTENDED Final camera-ready submission: September 15, 2013.
Conference dates: October 15-17, 2013.


Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Conference Chair

Carol Davids - Illinois Institute of Technology -

Technical Program Committee Chair

Gregory Bond- AT&T Labs Research -

Steering Committee

Dorgham Sisalem - Tekelec
Saverio Niccolini - NEC Laboratories Europe
Radu State - University of Luxembourg
Henning Schulzrinne - Columbia University / Federal Communications Commission
Joerg Ott - Aalto University

Technical Program Committee

Gregory Bond - AT&T Labs Research
David Bryan - Cogent Force, LLC
John Buford - Avaya Labs Research
Dan Burnett -
Eric Burger - George Washington University
Eric Chen - NTT Corporation
Eric Cheung - AT&T Labs Research
Alan Clark - Telchemy
Jason Fedore - FACEmeeting
Rosario Garroppo - University of Pisa
Adrian Georgescu - AG Projects
Ana Goulart - Texas A&M University
Vijay Gurbani - Bell Labs, Alcatel Lucent
Volker Hilt - Bell Labs, Alcatel Lucent
Christian Hoene - Universität Tübingen
Alan Jeffrey - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Alan B. Johnston: - Avaya Labs
Pramod Koppol - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Salvatore Loreto - Ericsson Research
Ronald Marx - Fraunhofer SIT
Saverio Niccolini - NEC Laboratories Europe
Gaston Ormazabal - Columbia University
Joerg Ott - Aalto University
Victor Pascual - Acme Packet
Jan Seedorf - NEC Europe Ltd.
Kundan Singh - Avaya Labs
Henry Sinnreich
Dorgham Sisalem - Tekelec
Ian Small - TokBox
Jose Soler - Technical University of Denmark
Radu State - University of Luxembourg
Ivan Vidal - University Carlos III of Madrid
Wilhelm Wimmreuter - InCharge Systems