Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications

Services and Security for Next Generation Networks

July 7,8 2009
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

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Call for Panel Proposals

IPTComm is calling for panel proposals. Panels are aimed to offer an engaging, entertaining, and informative examination of a timely topic from a variety of viewpoints. Panels should also give a way to tackle controversial and divisive topics, in an interactive way that can shed welcome light on the issues we all must deal with.


Topics of interest cover all aspects of Services and Security for Next Generation Networks, as outlined in the main conference call for papers. Successful panels address topics that highly stimulate audience interaction among researchers as well as practitioners. Panel topics must have some element of controversy and/or novelty. You are encouraged to seek out panelists with contrasting opinions. If there is an issue that periodically generates lots of discussion and controversy in your workplace or on a discussion list, you may be able to shape that issue into a panel discussion topic.


The typical format of a panel discussion includes:
  • Moderator introduction
  • Statement from each panelist
  • Discussion among the panelists and questions from the floor
  • Closing statements from panelists and the moderator
However, innovative ideas that engage the audience are also encouraged.


IPTComm solicits two-page panel proposals, in two-column ACM conference format that consists of the following.
  • Title
  • Moderator and 3-5 panelists (name, affiliation, contact info etc)
  • Description of the panel topic/scope/objectives
  • Position statement of each panelist
Electronic submission of proposals is required through the IPTComm submission system. The panel co-chairs will referee all submissions, and accepted proposals will be published in the conference proceedings. After the conference, the moderator of each panel is expected to submit a report summarizing the discussion. Pending cooperation agreements, proposals and post-panel reports will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Important Dates

Panel submission: Midnight March 31, 2009 Samoa Standard Time
Notification of acceptance: May 1st, 2009
Final submission: June 10th, 2009

Panel Co-Chairs

Eric Chen (NTT)
Charles Consel (INRIA)


For additional information, clarifications, or questions, please use the following online form (Subject: Panel proposal).