Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications

Services and Security for Next Generation Networks

July 1,2 2008
Heidelberg, Germany

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Call for Industrial Talks

IPTComm2008 features a special session on talks of high industrial relevance. Topics of interest cover all aspects of Services and Security for Next Generation Networks, as outlined in the main conference call for papers. Industrial talks will be held on July 2 at the main conference venue. All talk submissions should include a title and an abstract detailing the topics that are going to be addressed during the talk, priority will be given to talks that highlight the the innovation of the solutions presented as well as the impact and the benefits for the community. Submissions must be in English and must not exceed two pages. Persons involved in innovative industrial activities and designs are particularly encouraged to submit talk abstracts. The session is intended to foster the feedback from design to research with a high degree of discussion and ideas exchange. Submissions are to be sent as email attachments (PDF format) to


Submission deadline: May 15, 2008
Notification: June 1, 2008
Demo: July 2, 2008

Industry Talks Committee

Eric Chen - NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories
Thomas Magedanz - TU Berlin / Fraunhofer FOKUS
Carol Davids - Illinois Institute of Technology