Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications
1 and 2, 2011
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA
IP communications are evolving rapidly. Telephone and Network service providers are turning to IP-based solutions for the delivery of voice, image and video communications. Mobile operators are deploying all-IP networks replacing the circuit switched technology with packet switching based solutions.
With the transition towards IP there is also a shift in the way services are provided. Service-oriented and resource-oriented architectures have emerged and new methods have been developed to compose complex services by specifying high level information and processing flows between simple, basic components. IP communication services are moving onto cloud computing infrastructures creating new challenges for high-quality service delivery. In addition to traditional telephone services, new communications services and applications that are native to- and optimized for IP networks are being created. As a result, a large variety of communication services are being delivered on top of the IP infrastructure, while the amount of traffic being carried over it is reaching numbers unimaginable just a few years ago.
The evolution of IP communications is being carried forward by organizations and individuals representing a diverse set of fields and backgrounds - telecommunications, web development, electrical and computer engineering, information technology and data networking. The aim of the IPTComm conference is to serve as a platform for researchers from academia, research labs, industry and government to share their ideas, views, results and experiences in the field of IP-based telecommunication. IPTComm includes presentations of theoretical and experimental achievements, innovative systems, prototyping efforts, case studies, and advancements in technology.
See the IPTComm program for the full details of the technical sessions, the keynote and invited speakers, technical talks and demos, and the social events.
“Witness to the Evolution: IP from has-been to is-all??”
In the early 1990s the Internet Protocol (IP) was considered by many traditional networking experts and technology pundits to be a residue of an interesting, but failed experiment in communications. Those experts and pundits in the early 1990s were not quite right. Today, communication, of just about every type, is IP. Today's reality has not stopped a residue of the old experts, and a few new ones, from continuing to claim that IP needs to be replaced by a proper protocol. This talk will review how we got to where we are in communications, explore where that is and make some guesses about where communications technology, regulations and operations may go in the future.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER Harald Alvestrand
“Real-time Web: Multimedia from specialty item to commonplace component”
People have been talking to each other over long distances for many decades. Yet this capability has required specialized hardware, or high-powered PCs with specialized software, in order to allow people to hear and, more recently, see each other. This talk describes the evolution of the Web Real Time Communication functions, and explores some of the implications of any application having the ability to contain functions that let people see, hear and interact with each other across the Internet.IMPORTANT DATES
Extended Deadline for Demos and Industrial Talks: May 22, 2011Notification of Acceptance for Technical Papers, Demonstrations, and Technical Talks: June 6, 2011
Conference Dates: August 1 and 2, 2011
Conference Co-Chairs: chairs@iptcomm.orgConference TPC Co-Chairs:
Demos and Industry Talks Co-Chairs: